Let’s Talk About Acne, Shall We?

Hi everyone 🙂 It has been awhile since my last post. The spring semester is finally over and currently in my second session of summer school at TX STATE. I have been thinking about what we should talk about, and I think I its time to focus on the elephant in the room. The oneContinue reading “Let’s Talk About Acne, Shall We?”

Skincare Routine Scanner!

So, throughout my blog, I have shown you vegan, cruelty-free skin care products along with tips on building a skin care routine. Hopefully with my help, you have started your own personal routine from home. There are so many products, ingredients, chemicals that make up the skin care world, so I know there has toContinue reading “Skincare Routine Scanner!”

Vitamin C: L-ascorbic Acid What Is It Exactly?

This week I will be talking about Vitamin C! This is one of the last steps in a skin care routine. Vitamin C is a powerful ingredient, similar to retinol, and acids. It is a wonderful antioxidant for the skin. You can use this product daily, but if your skin burns and stings you shouldContinue reading “Vitamin C: L-ascorbic Acid What Is It Exactly?”

Acid’s Galore! Who Are They? What Are They?

Last time I talked about retinol and the anti-aging effects on the skin. This time I would like to introduce products that are similar but completely different. Weird I know, but hang in there, I’ll explain. Let’s talk about ACIDS! Acid? You are probably wondering if I’m talking about the melting of your skin kindContinue reading “Acid’s Galore! Who Are They? What Are They?”

Retinol Intro for my Vegan Friends

Last time I talked about sunscreen, but I also mentioned retinol. Retinol is a powerful skincare ingredient. It can do wonders to your skin, if you give it time. When I first heard of retinol, I figured it was for the older generation to get rid of their already present wrinkles and fine lines. ThisContinue reading “Retinol Intro for my Vegan Friends”

All About Sunscreen and Skin Protection…A class for Skincare Newbies

Let me start off my saying I am not a scientist. I know what sunscreen is and what it does to your skin, but I do not know the inns and out’s of the photons and chemical reactions that occur when sun hits the skin. I am reading articles about sunscreen, and wow, there isContinue reading “All About Sunscreen and Skin Protection…A class for Skincare Newbies”

Vegan + Cruelty-free Moisturizer’s and Insight on How to Pre-cleanse

Last time we talked about moisturizing the skin, and I stated I would display some I am familiar with. I have used these moisturizers off and on for the past two-and-a-half years. Some moisturizers I mention are not vegan or cruelty-free. Instead, these are semi-okay moisturizers for oily skin types that I purchased before switchingContinue reading “Vegan + Cruelty-free Moisturizer’s and Insight on How to Pre-cleanse”

Introducing STEP 2 to your skin care routine, and ways to avoid damaging products.

Hello, I hope everyone is having a safe week, and staying inside away from the ice and sleet 🙂 Last week I introduced step 1 in a skin care routine. This week I will introduce Step2 and explain what that will look like. After cleansing, it is always a good idea to review your skin.Continue reading “Introducing STEP 2 to your skin care routine, and ways to avoid damaging products.”

Ready to create a skin care routine, but don’t know where to start? Let me introduce you to step 1…

Your epidermis is the largest organ in your body, so it is important to take care of it. A bar of soap, and some warm water isn’t going to cut it. So where do you start? Let’s start with step 1. Skincare routines can be anywhere from one step to eight steps, which is theContinue reading “Ready to create a skin care routine, but don’t know where to start? Let me introduce you to step 1…”

Ingredients to avoid if vegan, and answers to the question: “what is a vegan anyway?”

  If a person is vegan, that means they stay away from any, and all animal products. That means the food needs to be completely cruelty-free. Cruelty-free means a manufacturer cannot test on animals or use them in any way when making or producing a product. No meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey. ThoseContinue reading “Ingredients to avoid if vegan, and answers to the question: “what is a vegan anyway?””

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